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Legionella in Cooling Towers Leads to Double Sentencing

HSE Investigation Reveals Legionella in Cooling Towers


Due to the age of this post some of the information maybe out of date.
An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has led to the sentencing of 2 individuals from a Birmingham Manufacturing company. The investigation found that the company had failed to put in place relevant safety measures to control the risk of Legionella bacteria from cooling towers on their premises. Even after concerns were raised by their own water treatment consultant, the company still failed to put a legionella risk assessment in place. This meant that employees along with members of the public had been exposed to a potentially fatal disease. The individuals were charged at Birmingham Magistrates’, pleaded guilty to breaching section 2(1) and 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and were each sentenced to serve 12 weeks in prison which was suspended for 12 months, and ordered to pay costs of £12,115 each, including a victim surcharge of £115.